Ah, the madeleine, the illusive shell shaped petit cake from the French Loire region. Cakes, breads or cookies, the most important thing is finding that firm base of a good recipe. And we think we found it when… [Read More...]
WKB projects
A Flour Experiment part 2: Comparing Flour from Different Mills
Would using the same type of flour from different mills and sticking to exactly the same recipe, result in loaves basically looking and tasting the same? Or would there be difference enough to establish… [Read More...]
A Flour Experiment part 1
What happens if you take one recipe, use the same amount of ingredients and the same process and only change the brand of flour you use? We were curious to find out how much difference, in taste, texture and appearance, there would be between a bread made with… [Read More...]
Weekend Bakery Projects 2012
Highlights in pics of our more memorable baking adventures for 2012 so far. Or at least the ones where we had our camera at hand, because camera’s and floured or sticky dough hands do not mix well…
On with the baking! Lots more to make, learn and enjoy… [Read More...]
Your Loaves
Fellow enthusiastic and ambitious home bakers, email us on a daily basis. Not only with questions about recipes and how to maintain their starter, but also to share pictures of their baking results with… [Read More...]
Our ‘ciabatta-focaccia’
Imagine making a dough that looks like pancake batter, but acts like silky bread dough. Imagine a bread moist and tender and velvety in your mouth.
We think making our focaccia with this ciabatta dough was one of the better baking ideas we had over… [Read More...]
WKB croissant making log
In 2010 we bravely started our quest for the perfect croissant. But after two attempts we cowardly sneaked away again. The first attempt was just a disaster. I believe we used a recipe by Michel Roux, so we probably cannot blame the recipe. [Read More...]
Weekend Bakery Projects: Veggie Danish & Fudge
How great is it to enjoy your traveling and have something to look forward to when you get home. That’s how I feel every time I witness something inspirational while on holiday. Our travels through Devon and Cornwall, although not the bread feast we had hoped for, where full of new food experiences…which led to lots of fudge and veggie danish… [Read More...]
Bakers Travels – Devon & Cornwall and a hint of Somerset
Great times traveling by car, shouting left left!! to each other all the time, through Devon’s Dartmoor and along the Cornwall coast. Like most of our holidays, this one was all about discovering new and exiting taste sensations, unknown foods, brilliant bakes and… [Read More...]
Lots of Loaf ♥ & Chocolate Truffles
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody and lots of loaf & love from our little bakery. It is a shame we cannot literally share our bread and baked goodies with most of you so you have to make due with our heartfelt wishes and virtual gifts. The most wonderful kind of gift is the one that is custom made for you, expresses true feelings and comes as a surprise. That is why we were both a bit overwhelmed by the Valentine’s card we got… [Read More...]