Relaxed baking before Christmas. A short and sweet recipe and extremely delicious! [Read More...]
WKB projects
Took a break…but not from baking!
The coming months we will take a break from posting recipes and answering comments on our Weekend Bakery site.
Due to recent events our priorities have shifted and we need to.. [Read More...]
Favorite flatbreads: The Turkish lahmacun – our style
In these uncertain times, we see many people resort to the comforting and gratifying art of baking. We have always been baking through good and bad times, but never have we felt the significance of it more than in the last weeks. We are lucky in many ways. Lucky in what we have and where we live and being able to bake our own bread… [Read More...]
Guest posting: Wouter Groeneveld – Save the sourdough
A personal quest – It all started with a gnome. A gnome taking form as a bread baking machine, which rises at night instead of me, throwing a couple of wooden blocks into the oven to start getting his hands dirty. Daily bread with a push of the button. In 2010, I did not know… [Read More...]
Guest posting: Wouter Groeneveld – Red Zuurdesem
Een persoonlijke zoektocht – Het begon allemaal met een kabouter. Een kabouter in de vorm van een broodbakmachine, die voor mij ’s nachts opstaat, wat blokken hout in de oven gooit om vervolgens zijn handen vuil te maken. Dagelijks brood met een druk op de knop. In 2010 wist ik niet… [Read More...]