This video shows us making French brioche, the no knead way. This simple method generates a brioche with buttery and subtle sweet taste, with a wonderful crumb structure. Novice and maybe somewhat lazy bakers will also enjoy making this… [Read More...]
Marmalade Bread & Butter Pudding
Adding dollops of home made marmalade to this comforting pudding has made it even more interesting and satisfying to eat.
It has its warmth and solace, its custardy and crusty bits, it’s familiar vanilla, and now it also has a hint of bittersweet citrus in every bite. We love it with… [Read More...]
Brioche: Simple Recipe with Great Result
There are a lot of different recipes and methods and we tried several of them with varying results. This recipe is a winner with us. It doesn’t take a lot of your time. But it’s a two stage one, so keep in mind you have to plan in advance and start Friday to have your Brioche for Saturday’s brunch. Even though it’s a simplified version of the classic French recipe, the taste and texture have convinced us more than… [Read More...]
Today I made my first real brioche. By real I mean I took the time and effort to try out a recipe that, to me, seemed the most authentic and French. For the recipe I used one of my most priced possessions for over 12 years, the book on Patisserie by the Roux brothers. This […] [Read More...]