Bake this fruity, spicy cardamom Cake! You won’t be sorry! Especially when it’s cold outside, or stormy. In Holland we have this stormy weather often in late fall and early winter. It conjures up images of people on bikes, leaning forward, trying to peddle against the wind… [Read More...]
Deliciously Satisfying Muesli Buns
I like these buns because they make you feel healthy and happy. They taste so good and every bite you take is a little different from the next, because there’s so much going on with all the different ingredients… [Read More...]
Sticky Cinnamon Buns
Sticky, gooey, warm and fresh…what’s not to like! Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie They are sticky and delicious and they are best when warm and fresh. In Holland we have something called ‘Zeeuwse Bolussen’ made in the province of Zeeland. They are very similar to these cinnamon buns. You can also keep them in […] [Read More...]
Orchard Apple Pie
We always feel very lucky when we can share in the yield harvested by friends who own trees that bare fruit and nuts. Apples, peers and walnuts, we know what to do with them! Somehow they always taste better than the ones you buy in the store. Maybe it’s because they are simply left alone […] [Read More...]
Autumn Muffins
It’s these kind of recipes that send out the right kind of whiffs to get me in a cheery autumn mood. All I need then to make me completely happy is a look out of the window onto the trees with burning leaves against a clear autumn sky… [Read More...]
Apple Pie a la Normande
With this recipe combines the best of two worlds: The buttery, sandy dough of the Dutch ‘appeltaart’ with the filling of a pie from Normandy. So, no cinnamon this time, but you do get the long lingering scent and taste of Calvados… [Read More...]
Merry Christmas Muffins
These festive muffins are great to bake for a Christmas morning breakfast. I especially love the moistness and the surprise, because every bite gives you a different combination of tastes and textures. I ‘invented’ these muffins because I wanted to use my home made candied orange peel and sweet marzipan. Together with the red cranberries and not forgetting… [Read More...]