These buns are the perfect balance between light and airy and full of fiber. The crumb has such a nice bite and the taste is interesting on its own, slightly nutty with a hint of natural sweetness. The recipe is straightforward and can be made in one day. All the spelt and oats go into the poolish / preferment and it makes this wonderful thick… [Read More...]
Old friends raisin bread – A new favorite!
This bread has been two years in the making, mainly in our heads and more recently in our ovens. We are truly very happy with this recipe. It was inspired by a phrase in Dutch that goes ‘Ouwe jongens krentenbrood’, which translates as… [Read More...]
Ficelle with sourdough
This slimmer version of the French baguette came about after some experimenting with different types of preferment and flour. The result is a very tasty, crunchy, somewhat chewy and you could even say cute bread with a very interesting taste and… [Read More...]
Sourdough pain naturel
We started this recipe as a one-off experiment, thinking the result would not be that interesting, compared to the other bread recipes we know and love. But the end result really surprised…
This recipe has a handy dough calculator! Check it out… [Read More...]
Recipe for 80% hydration baguette
I was very intrigued when I saw the baguette recipe posted at the fresh loaf. Several tries and tweakings further, with lots of sharing and baguette debating with Akiko, I can say from the heart that this recipe lives up to it’s expectations… [Read More...]