Learning and improving to get to that perfect croissant, meanwhile intensely enjoying the eating!
This video shows us making classic French style croissants. You can find the croissant recipe with detailed description and lots of pictures here.
It also contains a time lapsed oven shot of the baking of the croissants.
You can also keep track of our croissant baking efforts through our Croissant Making Log
Frank says
I’m eager to try this recipe, makes me curious the method you used, first time I see such a nice croissant with 3 simple folds, usually i found that recipe says 2 simple and 1 double…. I’m excited to see how it goes for me, thanks for sharing
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Frank,
This method works really well for us. Let us know about your results (maybe compared to the simple, double method).
Happy croissant baking
Arabia says
Me encanta buen paso a paso felicitaciones muy bien currado
Weekend Bakers says
Muchas gracias
Mucha diversión con la cocción croissant!
Phuong Tran says
Perfect! Thanks so much for sharing the recipes and also the techniques.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you for letting us know Puong Tran!
Vaishnavi says
I am so surprised how my batch came out so perfect.I am over the moon your guidance is so amazing points are listed out so well no chance to go wrong anywhere.My first try to your recipe and is so beautiful too good to eat.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you Vaishnavi, very nice! Hope you did take a bite in the end, because it would be a shame not to bite in the fresh buttery layers…
Happy croissants baking…and eating!
Marieke & Ed
Lota says
Yummm my mouth is drooling at the sight of freshly cooked crossaints
Very clever tips I saw’
Will attempt to make this😋😋
Weekend Bakers says
Let us know about your results, always curious to know!
Marilyn says
I love croissant and your recipe is very tempting.
This is my second try, the first was less flaky and I was not satisfied the result maybe because of the temperature in my kitchen and I did not minimize the flour it was difficult to deal with the dough always sticked on my working surface.
My second attempt of making croissant was not difficult it was easy to work on the dough than the first one but I’ve noticed that there were so many crack on the side of the dough. I did not know where I’ve done wrong I followed carefully your recipe.
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Marilyn,
So good that you are improving. You just need to get more familiar with the recipe and work very, very precise to get good results and especially to work in the right tempo so all the activities do not take too long. maybe your dough was a bit too dry (maybe some excess flour) and you can pay extra attention to that.
Hope you will keep baking and enjoying the recipe and the results!
Saghir Ahmad says
Shaheen says
I am will to make. Thanks
Weekend Bakers says
Take your time and make sure you read the recipe carefully before starting. That way you have the best chance at a good result.
Happy baking
Weekend Bakers says
Cannot beat a good croissant, thank you!
Vedant says
Perfect. The video is very very clear. It shows all we want to know. The color and shape are absolutely great.
Weekend Bakers says
Much appreciated Vedant!
Fredy says
I’m amazed and hungry just by watching this video. I certainly will give a try on making croissants. Congratulations for the video and your site.
Weekend Bakers says
Thanks Fredy, let us know how you get on with the recipe and enjoy the process!
Duaa nuri says
I will try to do it, and I will tell you about result..
Thanks for Video it’s make instruction very easy
Duaa Nuri – Saudi Arabia
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you Duaa, glad you like it too. Let us know about your results!
Marieke & Ed
Joe Lionnet says
Thank you for your video which was a great help. My first attempt has turned out better than I expected. The croissants were nicely flaky and the inside had good layering. Probably would be better if I was more patient and allowed more time proving but overall I am very happy with the result. Joe – Melbourne, Australia
Weekend Bakers says
Thanks Joe, sounds excellent! You know what to do next time, just be that extra little bit more patient and compare results with this batch.
happy croissant baking!
Nosheen says
Hello..your croissants look amazing even from inside..i tried but inside wasn’t baked properly..it was still uncooked..?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Nosheen,
We suggest you bake it a little longer. All ovens are different and you need to find out the optimal baking time and right temperature for your oven. Also see our tips: www.weekendbakery.com/posts…your-oven/
Good luck with it!
Marina Greco says
Ciao io sono Marina e vi seguo dall’Italia.
Complimenti per il sito è FANTASTICOOOOOO….
Non sono al mio primo tentativo con i croissant, e la vostra ricetta e il video sono proprio quello che cercavo.
Però ho delle domande per voi
Io sono vegana e vorrei utilizzare del burro vegetale, come lo devo trattare prima di chiuderlo nell’impasto?
La farina che indicate nella ricetta T55 è uguale alla nostra farina 0?
Il lievito istantaneo è uguale al nostro lievito secco?
Grazie per tutte le informazioni che ci regalate e per tutte le ricette e ancora complimenti per il sito.
A presto
Anthony fransis says
Dear chef
Thank you very much for your video
I maked this crossiant but inside of this crossiants not what i watched on video.. when after bake the center of crossiant go inside like hole… what is my fault … why it becomes like that…please explain me problem behaind my tasty crossiant
Anne-Marie says
Hou koud moet de koelkast zijn voor het deeg?
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Anne-Marie, onze koelkast is ongeveer 7 graden Celcius.
Dede says
Hello Weekend bakers
I have been looking at your website for a while. I really like it.
today I had my first go at making croissants from your recipe. I would say that for a first attempt they were very good. the video was helpful too.
I didn’t get the column I expected, but the crumb was lovely and soft. I didn’t get really distinctive layers either. I wondered if I Had worked the dough too much. I change the recipe a bit……..so maybe that was the reason. my changes were:
I used 200g strong white flour plus 300g plain flour. I used less butter 250g. I also changed the timing to fit it into my weekend. I made the dough at 8am and then at 7pm the same day I made my laminations. the following morning I did the final stage.
I also froze most of the croissants before proofing and will see how they turn out.
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Dede, it is hard to see what went wrong when you did not a) follow the recipe, b) without seeing you making the croissants. Croissants are a fine balance between technique, experience, flour and butter. A lot can go wrong with each of those ‘ingredients’. You need to work quickly without rushing and the butter needs to be pliable without being soft. We tried it a dozen times before getting it right. You need practice and a feel for the dough so have another try.
Elvira says
Hoi Ed and Marieke,
Today was my third try of your wonderful recipe, i followed it carefuly and i did freeze it between folds, like the video says, and i think it works better for me. The croissants turnes out just picture perfect, thank you sooo much.
Sefie Ebrahimi says
Isn,t there a newsletter to subscribe?
Terese Eglington says
Thank you for the clear and helpful instructions and video. I look forward to attempting the next step when the dough comes out of the fridge.
Esther Tortolero says
What agreat side! Starting with the croissants today!
TheSweetSnazzoo says
Where is the video?
Christine says
Hi, very interesting and informative video. Thankyou for putting the time into helping those looking for baking knowledge. My 2 questions is to anyone who would have knowledge in baking is,
1. Can I put croissant dough through those pizza dough rollers?, and
2. Can I put croissants through a conveyor pizza oven?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Christine,
We have never tried this and would not really recommend it, because the layers could easily be damaged, but you can always give it a try of course, we could be wrong 🙂
As to your second question we do not have any experience with this type of oven ourselves, but we do believe it is possible.
Happy baking!
Heather Z. says
Oh my g.o.s.h! Croissants / pan au chocolat – my favorite, especially with marmalade! Not a good thing to watch before breakfast, I think I drooled! I have always wanted to try rolling the dough into a circle and cut it like a pizza instead of rolling it out to a rectangle and dealing with those odd ends. But then I guess you could put them together and make one for the baker to ‘sample.’ I noticed you snip the wide end before you roll up the croissant, and you didn’t turn in the ends, I have never seen that before….what gives?
Weekend Bakers says
Classically French, when using real butter you do not turn in the ends, when using margarine you do make the crescent shape (we always use butter and we also do both shapes, we are purists with butter, not with shape) , the snip gives the dough some more room to move to both sides more easily. If you want to do other shapes…just go for it, only one way to find out!
Happy shaping and baking!
Christine says
I love chocolate croissants, and Apricot jam with Apricot pieces, I will try Marmalade as I love it also… Just waiting for my croissants to cool atm..
hueimin says
Hi from Singapore 🙂
Thanks for the real wonderful site! Really enjoyed your meticulous records of the croissant project. I have a similar attitude as you guys – working towards becoming a weekend ‘professional’ home baker, and I like to repeatedly work on a particular item to fully understand it.
Except that I am far from your levels and skills….
Tried a few times on the croissant and have many questions – but here are the two which I hope to seek help from you…
1) No matter how I try, when I roll out the dough, the butter tends to roll out (lengthwise) slower than the dough, resulting in excess dough on the two ends. This results in uneven butter and dough distribution. I have tried to make the butter much softer (but flexing the butter block till its more flexible) than what appears in your video. It helps but not fully. Have you experienced this and any way to resolve?
2) When I put the rolled dough in the fridge for the final rest before cutting and baking, the yeast continued to work, and I end up with a bloated dough. This seems similar to Dana’s problem, can you let me know if any of the condition is not right?
Thanks much for your advice!
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Hueimin,
Great to hear from you. It is very hard to tell what can be going wrong with the butter. We have not experienced what you describe. The thing we can think of is the butter being of a different consistency than ours and that may cause the ‘challenge’ for you. The dairy butter we use is organic and has a fat content of 82% if this is of any help to you. Maybe try a different brand and see if this makes a difference.
About the bloating: our fridge is around 6 Celsius, maybe yours is a bit less cold. The yeast continuing to work is normal but if you experience too much bloating you could either shorten the time or use a little less yeast in the dough. Our dough is puffed up too (but not excessively) and we very carefully roll it out in the beginning to flatten it at shaping time.
Hope you will give it another try.
Good luck with it!
Ed & Marieke
Dana says
first of all thank you for this great baking site, especially with all the pictures and videos, as it makes trying to follow the recipes extremely more easy :-). I am trying right now to find the perfect recipe for croissants, and this is how i found your site. The video is extremely helpful, especially to seet he consistence of the dough itself and most importantly the shaping of the croissants. Lots of recipes are missing a good description of the consistence of the dough, or pictures or videos of it but i find it really important, because every flour and other products differ from country to brand and the results are always different.
Now my question:
I made the dough, exactly after your recipe and it is now resting in the fridge. In the video it looks first of all really smooth before going in the fridge and also it looks really firm and kind of hard going in and out of the fridge.
My dough is really spongy and soft. also it is not looking as smooth as in the video and pictures. It is rising a lot, allthough i wraped it in the clingfilm.
So could you please describe the dough a little bit, so i know if i made it right or i have to change something.
Just in case i used white plain flour type 500, because i had no other.
Dana says
Hello, thanls for your answer, tried to answer you back over mail, but i get an error message that your mailserver treats my mailserver as spam :-(, so here i copy you the message i send you, just without any pictures:
Hello, i made them and they turned out perfect for my taste….the looked the same like yours during the proofing. Your description of the dough compliments mine so i guess i made it right. i did not have such a honeycomp structure though, they were a little hollow inside, although the laminating process i did without any leaks or breaking of the butterlayer. But they did turn out nice and in taste in structure, they are exactly like i wanted them!!! crispy from the outside and soft from the inside with a great but not overpowering butterflavour.
i have tried other recipes before … recipes with double the amount of butter, which for my taste was much too buttery and the butter came flowing out in the baking process, which i did not have at all with your recipe.
Thank you so much for this very good recipe, but most importantly your good explanation and the great video, without these, i m sure it would hav been a disaster. and you are absolutly right about the temperature, every degree counts in the process..i ll gonna send you some pictures in the next mail, so you can see yourself.
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Dana,
Always love to see pictures of course. You can also send us pictures via this page: www.weekendbakery.com/send-…your-loaf/
I’m sure it will work well that way.
Great to get your feedback on the good results. Sure you can still improve on the next bakes as you get more and more confidant and make the recipe your own. But for now you already have delicious croissants, the little improvements are just the cherry on top of an already scrumptious cake !
Happy baking!
Ed & Marieke
Ed & Marieke
Ruly Agivianna says
Hi form Jakarta, Indonesia
Thank you so much Ed & Marieke for your very inspirational video, it is so informative and encouraging. We have a very hot and humid weather here in Jakarta, but i still want to try your recipe, may be i can turn on the air condition to help maintain the temperature in our dining room. I’m now hooked to your blog and will try other recipes too. Thank you again for your sharing.
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Ruly,
So nice to hear from you all the way from Jakarta! I think it is a very good idea to try and make the room you work in as cool as possible, especially with a first attempt because the different stages will probably take you a bit longer. Another thing you can do is make use of your fridge a bit more often if you think the dough becomes too warm.
Hope it will be a great success!
Greetings from Holland and Happy Baking,
Jordi Domingo says
Hi from Spain!
First of all, congratulations for your blog (since more than one year one of my favorite bread websites)! I tried this Christmas your French croissant recipe and they were really fantastic… I have to recognize that I was a bit afraid. It was my first time but the results were really really good: fantastic taste, shape and plenty of layers inside.
Thank you again for your work, some of your recipes recipes have become our daily bread at home.
What about a post for panettone for next Christmas? mmmmm… will love it!
Un abrazo,
Weekend Bakers says
Hi there Jordi!
Thank you very much and wonderful to hear the croissants were such a success! It took us some time to get there ourselves we must say. Lately we’ve been having lots of fun with the making of Danish pastry with the croissant dough, very tasty too.
The panetonne is on the list so to speak, but we are not there yet as far as the perfect recipe goes…but it is January so still some time before next Christmas…
Happy baking &
Groetjes uit Holland,
Ed & Marieke
Kim says
Wat een geweldige website!
Ik kom net uit Frankrijk waar ik 3 maanden heb gezeten en wil een typisch franse brunch geven voor vriendinnetjes, ik kwam jullie filmpje/website tegen en werd er helemaal blij van, erg duidelijk, en leuk om te lezen over de trial/errors van de croissantjes en natuurlijk trots dat dit uit Nederland komt 🙂 Super!
Weekend Bakers says
Hoi Kim,
Allereerst fantastisch natuurlijk 3 maanden Frankrijk. Je hebt heel wat brood kunnen proeven.
Wij hebben inmiddels heel wat croissants gebakken en het blijft een feest om dit zo zelf te kunnen doen. We zijn ook best een beetje trots 🙂 en heel blij met jouw woorden!
Ed en Marieke
joanna @ Zeb Bakes says
Oh Wow! I so enjoyed your film, that was just beautiful and I haven’t had breakfast yet, bad time of day to watch croissants being made. I have been meaning to try making them ever since I started baking and still haven’t, never mind, one day. Great work both of you – I keep sending people to your site to read and learn x Joanna
Weekend Bakers says
Very pleased with your praise Joanna, thank you! Hope you will give it a try too.
We just wanted to ‘tackle’ those big classics, first the rustic loafs, then the baguettes and, most daunting, the croissants. Also very happy with the results because in a 15 mile radius there’s not a good croissant to be found.
And thank you so much for pointing us out to other enthusiastic bakers 🙂
Happy baking and a great weekend!
PS: Thanks to you getting us into participating in the Marmalade Awards we now are the proud winners of a bronze medal! Very pleased with that.
Levine says
Hallo Ed en Marieke,
Geweldig filmpje, complimenten! Ik dacht trouwens dat ik een pietje precies was met het boterblok en het hele verdere proces van croissants maken, maar het kan nog “erger” zie ik in jullie filmpje ;-). Ik bak regelmatig croissants af in de Rofco B30 en dat gaat uitstekend. Hier is een foto te zien van mijn croissants, afgebakken in de Rofco: www.flickr.com/photo…745796993/
Weekend Bakers says
Hoi Levine,
Hartelijk dank voor je comment en je compliment! Goed te horen (en zien!) dat de Rofco een mooi resultaat geeft met de croissants. We gaan zeker nog croissants en pain au chocolat in de Rofco bakken, maar voor de film was die grote ruit wel weer handig en de heteluchtoven geeft met dit rijke, getoerde deeg toch een mooi resultaat.
Heel veel succes en plezier met al je bakprojecten en workshops,
Rene says
Nee dat heb ik nog niet gedaan zou het wel graag willen doen alleen is het niet zo verstandig .
Deze degen zijn nogal rijk aan calorieën en dat is niet zo goed voor mijn gewicht en DB2 wel erg lekker “zucht”
Alhoewel ik zeker weet dat ik die croissantjes wel wil en ga proberen.
Hoe gaat met jullie gewicht , jullie bakken wat af en dat kunnen jullie met zijn tweetjes nooit wegwerken ?
Weekend Bakers says
Dat klopt Rene,
We delen veel met anderen en we eten zeker wel van de croissants maar toch heel bescheiden. We zijn meer van het proeven en allebei eentje dan dat we samen een hele batch op zouden eten en zeker niet elke dag. Gedurende de week leven we heel gezond maar ook dan maken we alles zelf en weten we wat er in ons voedsel gaat. Ook sporten we allebei zo veel (ik als fitness trainster en Ed oa als fanatiek yoga beoefenaar) dat we blijkbaar ook weer veel verbruiken. Maar daarbij is het ook wel een beetje geluk hebben natuurlijk, daar zijn we ons van bewust.
Maar we beleven allebei heel veel plezier aan het bedenken, proberen en uitvoeren van recepten, meer nog dan van het opeten van het resultaat.
Croissants staan dus niet elke week op het bakprogramma, wel de pains rustiques en vaak ook het roggebrood, gezond en lekker!
Happy baking,
Susanne says
unfortunately for germany its not allowed to see the video – because of the music (gema)
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Susanne,
We are going to see if we can fix that… Yesterday it said we were using copyright music but that we were visible in all countries.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Have a great (baking) Sunday,
Weekend Bakers says
We changed the music, re-uploaded the video, so hopefully it will work now in Germany!
Susanne says
hej mariek, i love this video!!! thank you so much..susanne
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Susanne,
So glad you were able to see it!
Greetings from Holland,
Rene de Winter says
Hallo Edwin/marieke
Zie dat jullie weer lekker bezig zijn geweest .
De crossantjes zien er jammie uit .
Maar waarom niet in de Rofco gebakken op de bakpaat ?
Weekend Bakers says
Dank je Rene,
Had ook gekund en gaan we ook nog doen, maar deze oven werkt met dingen als brioche en croissants erg goed en snel (ook qua opwarmen) en we konden zo ook beter filmen door de grote ovenruit!
Heb jij al eens brioche of croissants of iets met korstdeeg of bladerdeeg gemaakt in de Rofco?
Groetjes van,
Ed en Marieke