With this recipe we want to give you the exact directions on how we go about making classic French croissants. The recipe is an adaptation from the recipe… [Read More...]
Best bread recipes
Favorite flatbreads: Sourdough pita
Simplicity is key for this recipe. I think flatbreads, from all over the world, be it naan, chapati, lavash, pita, or tunnbröd from the Nothern regions are mend to be everyday, unsophisticated and natural. They are old fashion fast food and that is why making them… [Read More...]
Brioche: The no knead version
I tried several version of this recipe, each with just tiny changes because the first version I tried already turned out quite perfect. Except for one thing: The crumb needed just a little bit of help to get it from a slightly … [Read More...]
Sourdough pain naturel
We started this recipe as a one-off experiment, thinking the result would not be that interesting, compared to the other bread recipes we know and love. But the end result really surprised…
This recipe has a handy dough calculator! Check it out… [Read More...]
San Francisco style sourdough bread
Plan ahead for this recipe because it is going to take 4 days from start to finish. Perfect for a very long weekend of baking.
This recipe is based on the San Francisco Sour Dough recipe from Peter Reinhart’s latest book ‘Artisan breads every day’. But of course, as you may know by now, I have made my own version… [Read More...]
Recipe for 80% hydration baguette
I was very intrigued when I saw the baguette recipe posted at the fresh loaf. Several tries and tweakings further, with lots of sharing and baguette debating with Akiko, I can say from the heart that this recipe lives up to it’s expectations… [Read More...]
Our version of a pain rustique
After baking a few hundred Pains Rustiques you could say the recipe for our version of this rustic bread has been tweaked to the max. You get the best of both worlds: the extra flavor of the sourdough and… [Read More...]
Sourdough mini boules
I find these mini boules are the perfect little breads for two or to accompany a nice family meal or dinner with friends. You can share one with some soup or dip it in a gooey Camembert out of the oven. They also make an original little present. Another advantage mentioned by one of our bread friends… [Read More...]
Making a miche
Probably made most famous by Parisian baker Poilâne the miche can be defined as a very large rustic sourdough bread, usually a round loaf made from a natural leavening that also has a high percentage of whole wheat flour in it. Its very large size with low crust to crumb ratio means… [Read More...]
Our favorite whole wheat levain loaf
Do you need a bit of encouragement to start making a super healthy whole wheat loaf? Awful childhood memories like me of stale and even rancid bread? Get out and buy the best fresh! organic whole wheat you can find and give this loaf a chance! It is nothing like your memories, it is about … [Read More...]