Weekend Bakery
Weekend Bakery wants to offer and share information, tips, techniques, recipes and tools for the ‘professional’ home baker, with an above average interest in the art of artisan bread making. Weekend Bakery points to the fact that a lot of people, like us, concentrate their baking activities around the weekends and holidays. The moments you look forward to, thinking about what recipes to try or which favorite loaves to bake.
Weekend Bakery is serious about artisan bread making. Making bread in small quantities with time and attention will deliver great and rewarding results. So why not try and make your own too? It’s a hobby with great benefits for your mind as well as your body. Making good bread appeals to all your senses. Working with dough can be your own form of meditation. Your body can seriously benefit from the bread you make.
There are lot’s of good reasons to make your own. Maybe you’ve already discovered them. So if you are serious about good bread making, Weekend Bakery is the place for you. Get your hands stuck in a piece of dough and smell the aroma of your own sourdough starter.
Our Artisan At Home Bakery
We are passionate home bakers. We have been sharing our quest for good food and especially good bread for over 20 years. We love sharing our homemade bread and recipes with friends and family and everybody who’s truly interested. We are especially enthusiastic about the ‘artisan’ way of baking. Traditional methods, few ingredients, lots of taste. It’s amazing and rewarding to discover you can make a wonderful bread with just flour, water and salt and a bit of homemade sourdough.
Our Weekend Bakery Tool Shop
We are proud to offer a range of bread baking tools that are perfect for the home baker and small bakeries. All bread baking tools are made within the European Union and of high quality. And there’s some very original sweet baking stuff too. Come and take a look and get inspired to bake!
Things we love to bake and make
There are some bakes that we have really ‘made our own’ over the years. Next to our “Pain Rustique’ and Pain au Levain’ that has an ever growing enthusiastic following, we have perfected the art of croissant making and baguette baking. We also make traditional Dutch specialties like suikerbrood (sugar loaf), speculaas, cinnamon buns and roggebrood (rye bread). We love making our own pizza and flatbreads. We also make our own marmalade from the Sevilla oranges when in season, quince jelly from the quinces in our garden. We like to experiment with chocolate and caramel too.
Besides the baking
We love to travel when possible. Our favorite destinations are Italy, France, Norway and Canada. Favorite cities: New York, Venice, Amsterdam, Maastricht, Bologna…
Also fond of (outdoor) cooking, the Italian kitchen, Indian and Japanese food, brewing the best coffee and much more…
Happy baking from Weekend Bakery!
Ed & Marieke
Wim Jansen says
Hallo Ed & Marieke,
Gisteren voor het eerst naar molen de Zandhaas in Santpoort geweest om meel te kopen voor mijn eersteq broodbak-ervaring. Jullie recept voor een boule baguette is precies wat ik zocht. Op Pinterest zie ik een verwijzing naar Zandvoort staan. Zou dus zo maar kunnen zijn dat wij beide in Zandvoort wonen!
Deze week maar eens de erste BB proberen😊
Weekend Bakers says
Hallo Wim,
Wat leuk je comment te lezen. Hopelijk helpt de kwaliteit van het meel en de bloem van de Zandhaas je ook aan een mooi resultaat. Wij zijn altijd alleen maar super tevreden geweest over hun producten, waarbij we ook vaak meel van andere molens hebben geprobeerd.
Na jaren Haarlem, wonen we sinds enige tijd in het oosten van het land en hier in de regio zijn ook molens, maar nog steeds is De Zandhaas de favoriet.
We wensen je alle succes en plezier met de BB’s en hopelijk smaakt het naar meer!
Enjoy your baking
Ed & Marieke
Kim says
Are you on Instagram?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Kim,
We were, but not anymore, this also goes for our past Twitter account. At the moment we still have a pinterest account (nl.pinterest.com/weekendbakery/). We were absent for quite a while, but we are looking at what would be a good fit for us and bring us joy with regards to social media. It is a bit of a challenge for us 🙂
Jeanette T says
My daughter asked me to make her baguettes which I had not done for a couple of years. I went through my notes and found your recipe that I made in December 2019. When I went to your website tonight I saw that there was no red message that y’all were taking a break. I am Sooooo happy to see you guys back online. Hugs & kisses to you both. I hope you are well and happy. ❤️
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Jeanette,
So lovely to get your message. You are correct, we are sort of out of ‘hibernation’ after some challenges (which we all have) and other things that needed our care and attention.
We would love to spend more time baking and sharing, but we still must see what we can manage at this point. Hope we can share something new this December.
Hope you are well and happy too and and we wish you and your whole family a wonderful Holiday season!
Greetings from Holland
Ed & Marieke
Rick says
Are rondo’s the same thing as pencees? I lived in the Netherlands about 35 years ago and we used to buy them from the grocery store. I recently visited and could not find them. The Spar website showed they carried them, but nowhere near where I was at. If they are different than rondo’s, doyou have a recipe to make pencees? Thanks!
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Rick,
This is such a good question because it can be more than confusing. Our answer would be that a rondo is a type of pencee. It is not clear where the name pencee stems from and we would say it is a rather ‘old fashioned’ word that is used less and less and the younger generations would not know it.
A pencee is (almost) always some type of almond paste filled pastry, but is also used for variations that are covered with pink fondant and filled with jam for instance. In general a rondo (or kano if we talk about the same thing in a canoe shape) when bought in a bakery will usually be the classic almond paste filled version you also get with our recipe:
If it contains something extra like apple, we would call it an apple rondo.
If you would ask for a pencee in a bakery you can expect to get many different types of pastry or they would say we do not have them, while asking for a rondo or kano would almost certainly get you the classic almond paste filled pastry from our recipe.
So the question would also be: What do you remember your pencee to be like from 35 years ago?
Greetings from Holland / Groetjes uit Holland
Reno says
To Ed & Marieke:
Take care of your family priorities first. Wishing you and yours well.
When things permit, if you choose to continue your website I have a question or two on flour types.
Your experience and food flavour favourites profile sounds like the type of advice I’m looking for.
Please let me know if/when you return to operating the Weekend Bakery website.
Take all the time you need and God bless.
Brian J Wood says
Good luck to you. My visits to your country have always been delightful. It’s sad to read about your (the Dutch citizens) situation. It looks like we Brits are heading that way too!.
Oscar Ortolan says
Hello, I wonder if you can help me out. I am “just starting” with sourdough. I was given a culture (dry packet like sea salt and have followed instructions to create a starter within a week or so. I have completed that stage and have refrigerated it as I could not use it once it was ready. It’s been if the fridge for almost a week. So my question is related to your pain naturel recipe. To create the poolish it calls for 15 grams of sourdough culture. This is where my confusion comes in. Can I just use 15 grams of my dormant refrigerated culture or do I need to refresh it first ie feed my dormant starter culture to refresh it and at that point use 15 grams of that added to the 115 grams of flour and water. Or can I use either?
Thanks in advance for your feedback. Every article / guide I read seems to be just that much different that I’m getting confused. If any other experienced baker can offer feedback I’d appreciate it
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Oscar,
In principle you can just use your 15 grams form the fridge, but it will never be wrong to refresh it first and then use it in the recipe, to establish it is ‘alive’ and active before use, as you have need been using and feeding it for very long yet.
Hope it will be great to use in the recipe.
Good luck with it.
Laurence Turner says
I want to take a moment of your time to say a very sincere thank you for your time in putting together this wonderful web site. I have been attempting to become a sourdough baker for over five years, with some success, but mostly disappointments. I have become rejuvenated after happening across your web page.
I am from New England, have traveled quite a bit, and have visited your beautiful country (Delft). Again, thank you for sharing the details of your wonderful recipes.
Best regards,
Laurence Turner
Weekend Bakers says
Dear Laurence,
Thank you very much for your heartfelt message. We are happy to be a part of your baking success in this way. Sorry we are not very active with our WKB site but other things in life have taken priority for now. We are still enjoying our baking though as we hope you will be for many moments and many years to come!
Greetings from the Low Countries,
Lee says
Just found you and so glad I did. Keep up the good work!
Joooohan says
Jullie croissant recept is geweldig, alleen nu gebruik ik instant gist 11gram en elke keer met de 3 daagse bereidingen rijst mijn deeg veel te snel terwijl mijn koelkast op 3graden stond… Hebben jullie hier tips voor? Verse gist gebruiken?
Kristine Pascual says
OMG. I just discovered your site. I just recently got into the “world” of bread making. It started with Croissants, then pizza dough, then now Baguette. I am a first time discoverer and user of “Poolish.” My MIND is just blown about the world of bread making. Everything you have said in About Us page “IS/HAS BEEN” my initial introspects and experiences with this “bread making” adventure. Initially it was (still is) a home cook/baker experiment… but I am kind of “hooked” (for now) which is wonderful and terrible all at the same time. SOO EXCITED to check your site out and try some of your recipes as I begin my new adventure in this bread making universe. So excited. (Previously I was more of a home ‘cook’… but am balancing out and transitioning into the world of croissants/baguettes and bread making. The self reflections to be gained, the “calm” and excitement of waking up at 3 am with my long awaited Poolish will be cool. Both the “lows” and “highs” of break making fails and successes. (I have already experienced some… and oddly whimsically a lot… there was a reflective/enlightenment learning about the whole exercise. Anyway just very excited about my bread making adventures. (I will stop rambling now 😉 )
Maria says
Hello from Colorado, USA! Thank you for sharing the directions on rye sourdough starter. I had created one in 2018 and used it quite often; however lots of life changes this year, including a move, and it was relegated to the back of the fridge. Now that the weather cooled down a bit, I can start baking indoors again. However, my rye starter had gone very bad…very very bad. Wanting to start over with a rye-only starter (not rye+wheat), I finally found your very helpful website. Thank you again for sharing. Hope you are doing well.
Kal says
“”” if the indentation totally disappears, “”””
[may I ask what is meant by the above statement?—does it mean the dough completely pops back up when poked or doesn’t pop back at all???]
Toby says
I came to your website for information about making a poolish and a biga. I was disappointed after reading all the details about a poolish that there is nothing about a biga. I gather you do not use this other preferment but I want to combine the preferment with an autolyse so I need to make a biga. Of course the info is elsewhere but you give such a detailed article on poolish I’m sorry you don’t also do that for a biga. [Salt Spring island BC Canada]
Brenda Andriese says
Wat een supersite is dit! Ik heb over het maken van een zuurdesembrood wel een paar korte vragen: klopt het dus dat je alleen bij het voordeeg wat starter nodig hebt? Wat zijn de baktijden als je bakt in een dutch oven? En de laatste: klopt het dat je met het tijdschema dus eigenlijk nooit echt in de ochtend vers gebakken brood hebt? Alvast enorm bedankt 🙏
Dee Stubbs-Lee says
Question with regard to the Pain Naturel sourdough recipe: I already have my own sourdough starter on the go, so how would I determine how much of that in cups I would need to replace your 245 g or so of “poolish” in your recipe?
Denning Crowe of Oklahoma City says
Do you have a mailing list? If so, please add me.
Bear regards
Weekend Bakers says
Hello bakers,
At the moment we do not have an active mailing list because we are on a break (but not from baking).
Hope you find the recipes and tips still useful!
Margeliz says
Me encantó tu página, Cómo puedo suscribirme???
Lana says
great resource! so much grateful to you! I’m from Russia.
Guy says
Fantastic Resource – i was looking for the difference in Biga and Poolish and your explanation helps. thanks. Guy from London
Graham T says
Hi, where have you been all my bread making life? I made the brioche yesterday – amazing – thank you!
Freddy says
Hello I have a quick question, we just got a new proofer, and it gives me the option of humidity when proofing at what temperate for humidity should I set it and how hot to proof my croissants
Jasmine says
Just used your site to make croissants. Thank you for the clear instructions!
Given the message on shifted priorities, I hope all is well. If it is not, sending thoughts and love your way.
ben says
Was hoping to chat about something on the business side.
Linda Sapp says
Just found your website and hope you are still at it–bread baking. Hoping you and yours are doing well with the virus and have had or are getting your shots. I love to make bread and have some sourdough starter now going. Hope to make some good ole sourdough and perhaps share it with neighbors.
Wishing you all good health and happy baking.
Louie Miller says
Stumbled upon your site. Nothing less than fantastic! Will look for you on Instagram too – Chef Louie
Lieve Verloo says
Jullie recept voor een Pain rustique is absoluut top! Het lukt telkens weer opnieuw! Al veel mensen blij gemaakt met dit brood!
Jennifer says
Hello – I have just discovered your site and recipes. I am from Dutch descent, grew up in a large Dutch community in California and enjoyed many Dutch recipes and foods. Unfortunately, some of them have been hard to replicate or find again since the local Dutch bakery closed years ago. Thank you for sharing so many Dutch classics – I can’t wait to try them!
Thea says
Sinds kort ben ik in de van bakken met zuurdesem en ben heel blij met jullie website vol goede tips en instructies, echt super!
Ik heb de ‘pain naturel’ nu twee keer gebakken. Heerlijk! Alleen mijn broden zijn steeds veel platter. Waar kan dat door komen? Hebben jullie een tip?
Alvast heel er bedankt!
Kathy says
I bake only in tins for my local general store and now looking for a bigger oven so my question has to do with the Rofco B20 and tins. Have you have tried 3 tins on each shelf in your B20 and, if so, how did the baking go? The measurements say all 3 would fit but it would be a tight. The B40 is too much of an oven for me plus I have never baked in a stone oven so your insight would be wonderful.
Thank you,
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Kathy,
We never use tins in the Rofco, we always bake directly on the stone, because we believe the oven is best used that way and it gives you the best use of space and direct heat from the stones and great bread.
You need to measure your tins very carefully to make sure they fit of course. Maybe you could contact Rofco in Belgium too, because we remember they have a lot of experience with people in Belgium using tins in their Rofco.
Good luck with it and with your baking for the store!
Ed & Marieke
Clive says
Hi guys,
I’m a big fan of your site and recipes. I make either your whole wheat levain sourdough loaf or the pain natural at least weekly with great results every time. Thank you.
I wonder if you have ever made sourdough bagels using a poolish or if you might be able to advise me how to adapt one of the above recipes to make some.
Thanks in advance
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Clive,
Thank you so much for your kind comment. We must confess we have never made sourdough bagels. If we would give them a try, we would probably start with this recipe, they look like they mean business!:
Iman nofal says
My name is iman..I am from cairo egypt
I love baking and trying different recipes..I am trying now to make french croissants at home..it is not easy ..I did one trial and today I am doing the second one.
Please I need your advise to guide me to the right formula for the dimension of the dough
For example if the dough is 90 grams..what is the right size to stretch it
Is 20× 50 is ok
Should I keep this dimension for the 3 fold
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Iman,
You should stick to the measurements given in the recipe with the instructions under ‘Day 2’ as close as possible.
Thomas Cappiello says
what type of coffee bean roaster do you have?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Thomas,
We have this one: ineedcoffee.com/testi…i-roast-2/
And we had an Alpenrost but that broke down.
If we would buy a new one, we would probably look again at all the options available, because it has been a while. One type we would look at is the Gene Cafe Coffee Roaster CBR-101.
We would advice to explore a bit on good coffee / barista sites.
Jacinta Caraher says
Hi Guys. I would just love to say thank you so much for the croissant recipe and brill videos to match. They were perfect first try! So impressed. My family love me 100%more since I served the croissants yesterday morning. I’m your new biggest fan! Jacinta. Thehonestpantry98, on Instagram.
Weekend Bakers says
Sorry for the late reply Jacinta, we very much appreciate your very kind comment and are happy we can play a part in your baking success and the happiness of your family 🙂
Thank you and enjoy your pastry baking for many years to come!
Geert Vermeersch says
Ik wou even delen hoeveel bakplezier jullie website mij al een paar jaar ondertussen heeft bezorgd. Vorige week ben ik opnieuw met zuurdesem begonnen. Ik had mijn vorige cultuur rond oudjaar te lang verwaarloosd en die was kapot. Jullie heerlijk “No Knead Muesli” brood was een tijdje een mooi alternatief (en mijn dochter wil helaas enkel het “favoriete sandwichbrood”), maar het begon weer te kriebelen. Het was een ideale week. Dag en nacht rond de twintig graden in huis. Toen ik de derde dag dacht, ai, mislukt startte ik een tweede potje, resultaat: nu heb ik twee stevige potjes zuurdesem in de koelkast staan. Gisteren “Tartine style” gebakken, vandaag “Ons Favoriete Tarwe Volkoren Zuurdesembrood” en ondertussen staat mijn “San Francisco style” starter te ontwikkelen in de koelkast en deze week staat ook nog “Pain Naturel” op mijn lijstje (toch één vraag, kan ik die ook als Baguette bakken?). Corona heeft ons tot thuiswerken verplicht, de ideale situatie om daarnaast ook te bakken. Heel, heel erg bedankt! Van als iemand mij over bakken aanspreekt verwijs ik altijd naar jullie fantastische website!
Hartelijke groet,
Geert Vermeersch, Tielt, België
Weekend Bakers says
Beste Geert,
We hebben met veel plezier uw comment gelezen. Wat prachtig dat alle recepten zo mooi uitpakken. En het desem is ook enthousiast getuige de goede resultaten met de desem-recepten.
Ja, de pain naturel kan ook in baguette-vorm gegoten worden, dat is geen probleem. Wij hebben dit zelf nog nooit gedaan maar het zal qua ‘handling’ van het deeg zelfs wat eenvoudiger gaan dan met het 80% hydration recept.
Dank ook voor de bijdrage aan de your loaves pagina: www.weekendbakery.com/your-loafs/
Dat ziet er allemaal heel aantrekkelijk uit.
Dank voor al het enthousiasme (hetgeen ook bijdraagt aan een goed resultaat, dat weten we zeker) en vooral nog heel veel meer bakplezier en mooie (desem)broden!
Ed & Marieke
Geert Vermeersch says
Hallo, heel erg bedankt voor jullie antwoord en het opnemen van de foto’s. We bakken met plezier verder! Hartelijke groet!