For the people who want to know the details: This film shows the making of a Pain Rustique French style bread based on a sourdough poolish (12 hour, 100%) with a high hydration dough, autolyse and stretch and fold technique in our Rofco hearth bread oven. We use German banneton’s (baskets) for the final proofing. The recipe is an adaptation of the Pain Rustique (Jeffrey Hamelman’s book ‘Bread’) recipe, however I have changed it a lot to fit our taste, oven and European flour.
Enjoy the real life ‘oven spring’ of the bread filmed in the oven. It starts at about 2:41 in the movie. We filmed the bread in the oven for 15 minutes and sped it up to fit in about 1 minute. So you will see the bread rise and brown in real time! It is really cool to see, do not miss it!
Note: The movie is filmed in full high definition quality (Full HD) so you can click on the ‘full screen’ icon (second icon on the bottom right) of the YouTube movie and also the ‘HD’ YouTube button and you will see it in very good quality, provided you have a broadband internet connection!
Let us know what you think about it!
Also see our posting, comments and more information at The Fresh Loaf bread baking community !
This is what the crumb looks like, up close…
Marleen says
Hoi ik zie dat er maar 15 gram zuurdesem in gaat klopt dat wel?
Ik vraag dit voor dat ik er straks te weinig in
Met vriendelijke groet
Weekend Bakers says
Hallo Marleen,
Ja dat klopt zeker (al zijn we zelfs teruggegaan naar 10 gram in ons recept. Zie: www.weekendbakery.com/posts…-rustique/
Dat heeft te maken met de stadia / de opbouw. Heel veel bakkers hebben het al met succes gemaakt en we hopen dat het jou ook zal bevallen, zowel het bakken als het eten!
Ed & Marieke
Charles says
you give ‘knead times’ for use with a stand mixer. Could you suggest the old fashioned way of time for hand kneading, please?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Charles,
Yes, it depends on the technique you use, but in general it is double the time given or a bit more even. For this recipe you have to aim for just moderate gluten-development, so no need to knead to any type of ‘window pane’ stage, it is very much under this stage. So 10 minutes by hand should very well do the trick. Time and S&F will make sure the dough is properly developed further along the process.
Enjoy your baking!
Teresa says
Hello — Looking at the bread instructions but became more interested in the music playing during the video…could you please tell me the name of the Musician and the name of the song being played? I really like it and cannot identify it.
Thank you so much!
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Teresa,
Yes, it is catchy and appropriate 🙂
It’s Laid Back with ‘Bakerman’.
Maybe you also know their song ‘Sunshine reggae’.
Enjoy your baking and singing along!
Benny says
I made the dough today, but mine was more sticky then the dough I saw in your movie.
I used biological flour, used for baguette.
Maybe next time I shall use a little bit more flour?
Or what do you think?
Kostas says
Hi really nice bread!
I want to ask you how you are making steam in this oven and what type is?
Also where can i get this amazing lame?
Thank you
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Kostas,
The oven you see is a Rofco stone oven / bread oven made in Belgium (rofco.be). We add steam before baking simply by spraying water on the walls with a plant sprayer.
You can see the pictures here: www.weekendbakery.com/posts…ven-users/
The lame has evolved to a new model that we have designed ourselves and also sell in our baking shop : www.weekendbakery.com/websh…-lame.html
The lame was designed by Ed because he could not find a lame to his liking anywhere. So he designed a baker’s knife that is lightweight, easy to handle and with a removable blade. You can place the blade in the right angle and you can use all four edges of the blade before you need to replace it.
Marieke & Ed
Weekend Bakers
Teun says
Thx voor this movie, nice to see how the plastic blade helps to handle the dough.
A question: at 1:02 and 1:35 I can see a bit how the dough is coming out of the bowl, helped by a “spatel”. When I do this, the dough horribly sticks to the bowl. Any tips there, other then messy oil (do you use oil)? I use a hard plastic bowl, maybe soft plastic is less sticky?
Weekend Bakers says
Hi Teun, thank you!
We use a vegetable spray oil (called Pancoating) that is very easy to use. We mist a fine layer into the bowl before putting in the dough. It is not messy that way.
Pat Wong says
U could do several stretch n folds in d bowl itself, re-tighten dough ball, scoop around d sides, scrape it out while tilting d bowl. Saw tis on YouTube for shaping wet dough
Weekend Bakers says
Yes, we do use this method ourselves too. You can also see us (pictures) do this in the Tartine recipe, with a larger batch of dough.
Enjoy your baking Pat!
Joy says
do you use strong flour (more than 12% protein) or medium strength (11.5 – 12% protein) for your free form loaves?
Weekend Bakers says
Hello Joy,
We use strong flour of around 12.5% protein, organic and stone milled.
Joy says
Kawa says
Very nice movie. I am eating always good french bread.
Debbi says
What is that mixer brand?
Weekend Bakers says
It is a spiral mixer – a Haussler Alpha mixer with a 6 kilo dough capacity and removable dough hook and removable bowl, made in Germany. However we never make more than 5 kilo dough with it per batch, which fits comfortably.