Returns & Service

Our products are made, selected and shipped with the greatest care and attention. If unfortunately your article has a defect, please let us know by sending us an email or use our contact form.

Within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of your order, you may, without any mentioned reason, return the order to us. The article must however be sent to us undamaged, unused and in the original packaging.  Please also notify us of your intentions, so we can help you to our best ability. You need to take care yourself of the return shipping costs. The purchase price (minus shipping costs) will be payed back to you as soon as possible. Please note that when returning of items subject to the Terms and Conditions of the respective postal carrier. Cost of damage and loss of the return are also your responsibility.

We select our range with care. If a product is damaged or you have any complaints about the product please contact us within 48 hours via our contact form and we will make every effort to reach a satisfactory solution. You are also entitled to a two years standard warranty on your product, starting with the receipt of your product.